Milton Fire Station 44
Milton Fire Station 44
Milton Fire Station 44
Milton Fire Station 44
Milton Public Safety Complex

Milton Public Safety Complex

Milton, GA

After the completion of Milton City Hall, Cooper Carry was awarded the Milton Public Safety Complex on Highway 9 in Milton, Georgia. The project consists of two buildings collocated on a four-acre site: Police Headquarters and Fire Station 44. Since the City of Milton’s inception, both Police and Municipal Court functions had been operating from leased office space, which lacked some critical operational and safety best practices.

The Police Headquarters is a 24,800-gross-square-foot (GSF), two-story facility that includes program space for the Uniformed Division, Criminal Investigation Division, and SSD Command and Administrative offices. The headquarters includes space for evidence storage, interview rooms, armory, and tactical storage. In addition, the building serves as the City’s Emergency Operations Center and redundant network operations hub. The City’s Municipal Court is included in the facility and includes a courtroom, judicial and clerk support office areas, and an in-custody sallyport.

Fire Station 44 is a 14,500 GSF, single-story, three-bay fire station that includes space for a fire apparatus, individual bunkrooms, kitchen and living areas, as well as decontamination areas and turn-out gear storage. The station includes a separate wing for the City’s Fire Administration offices as well as a three-level outdoor fire training tower.

The design of the Public Safety Complex draws upon the rural aesthetic commonly shared across multiple city-owned facilities. The design incorporates masonry, painted siding, heavy timber porches, and other features to promote the City’s branded appearance reflected in its zoning and design guidelines. The site includes native landscape design, multiple water quality features, and hardscape plaza areas to facilitate visitors.

project scope

24,800 GSF Police Headquarters / 14,500 GSF Fire Station


City of Milton