Heritage Fields

Irvine, CA

Irvine, California is green, smart and creative and offers an enhanced quality of life. Accordingly, the vision that Cooper Carry proposed for the 378-acre Heritage Fields TOC District Master Plan captures these qualities and capitalizes on connecting a great transit center with the Great Park. From a Great Park, we envision a great development based on the chemistry of place: great streets, neighborhoods, blocks, public buildings and spaces. Cooper Carry’s approach to the TOC reflects the goal of promoting walkability and encouraging fewer car trips. The plan’s core design focuses on transit connectivity via a series of strategically spaced development zones, each within a five minute walk of a transit station. Cooper Carry has also sought to change the zoning of the site. The TOC is currently zoned by land use; the firm has recommended mixed-use zoning to help limit traffic and promote “quality density” through mixed-use development. The master plan also includes foot bridges linking communities on either side of a 200 foot wide animal habitat corridor, which provides safe passage for animals from outlying habitats to travel through the park to the coast.

project scope

378 acres

design services

Urban Design + Planning


Lennar, Inc.