Manny Dominguez
Dubai, UAE
Esplanade is an open air retail center where people may walk stroll, shop and enjoy the experience of an environment unlike the Mall. It is a discovery of intimate spaces, architecture, food, beverage and goods. Its purpose is to be a socially wealthy environment that provides an alternative to the Mega Mall.
Its restaurants and boutiques create a variety of unique spaces around themselves that connect and create a strand of architectural jewels. Buildings of simple elegance yet rich with detail, pattern and texture while “framing” and celebrating a display of social activity and experience, making a presentation to the street and its activity. The clean white buildings are a sophisticated and timeless sculpture while colorful show windows are framed with brilliant colors and materials.
Conceptually, The Esplanade is to recognize the strength of the linear site to “lay down a fluid necklace of jewels”. The buildings soften and transform the rigidity of the site into a connected chain of experiences and spaces held together by the activity of the people, an esplanade of discovery and event.
project scope
139,931 SF
design services
Muzoon Holdings, LLC