Amp Coffee Bar, Brand and Experiential Graphic Design
Amp Coffee Bar, Brand and Experiential Graphic Design
Hitt Hall at Virginia Tech, Amp Coffee
AMP Coffee Bar, Brand Design

AMP Coffee Bar

Blacksburg, VA

Cooper Carry's brand team developed the AMP coffee bar brand for the new dining facilities at Hitt Hall at Virginia Tech. This dining hall outlet will be coffee and baked goods focused, so Cooper Carry developed the short and punchy concept AMP, with a nod to the effects of caffeine, and the perennial popularity of music among college students. Inspired by rock ‘n roll and the energy infused in music, Amp Coffee Bar’s brand is fun and vibrant. The rounded typeface was chosen to resemble the curved edges of musical instruments. The lightning bolt motif is designed to show energy and movement as it pierces through the center of the design. The badge design features a minimalist electric amplifier to frame the overall design.

Hitt Hall will feature a 600-seat full-service multivenue dining facility on two floors of the building’s west wing, flexible general assignment classrooms on the third floor, and open collaboration zones throughout. The dining capacity added by Hitt Hall, with its nine distinct dining venues, will increase and more evenly distribute dining services for students, faculty, and staff on the Blacksburg campus. The building, designed by Cooper Carry, will provide an expanded physical presence for the Myers-Lawson School of Construction - a joint collaboration between the College of Architecture and Urban Studies and the College of Engineering - as well as a unique two-story Innovation Lab providing program opportunities for temporary and large-scale student-based projects.




Virginia Tech