Kilpatrick Townsend San Francisco Office

San Francisco, CA

Kilpatrick Townsend Stockton, LLP has engaged Cooper Carry to design the office of the future for this forward-thinking law firm. While gaining space efficiency is a big driver, the team is keeping focus on design concepts that will provide a comfortable and functional workplace for the attorneys and staff to help them transition to a new way of working. Second place workspaces take on a work café atmosphere instead of an informal gaming area. Significant hotelling spaces are incorporated for visiting attorneys and staff so that they are remotely working in a large area that is comfortable and has many amenities, including collaboration areas and rooms. This conversion is taking place with their large library space. Offices for the attorneys are design to be one size, along the exterior wall, and incorporate glass for higher transparency as well as allow the interior space to experience daylight and views. The traditional double-loaded corridor has been broken down to include an office landscape of glass meeting rooms, open work table/ print stations, and semi-private and open workstations. These spaces work on a flexible module so that at any time in the future, they can be converted to another use easily. The style and aesthetic for these spaces remain true to a professional atmosphere, but incorporate aspects such as color and unique finishes or furnishings to give them a modern touch. The focus on providing spaces that support the function and privacy of the firm, as well as appropriate, comfortable finish and design is allowing the space to compress to 550sf per attorney without painful compromise.

project scope

43,000 SF

design services

Experiential Graphic Design


Interior Design


Kilpatrick Townsend Stockton, LLC